Taking Back America

…one post at a time

Daily Archives: 2013-09-01

The Little Green Book | Fatawah of the Ayatollah Khomeini



The Little Green Book is a collection of fatawah handed down by the most prominent and arguably one of the most influential Muslim clerics in modern history; the Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ruhollah Mosavi Khomeini [سید روح‌اللّه مصطفوی موسوی خمینی], commonly known as the Ayatollah Khomeini. Fatawah  فتاوى  (the plural of fatwa) are Islamic religious decrees sent down by Muslim religious leaders. Since Islam demands that Muslims abide by Sharia – Islamic law as individuals and as a society, these fatawah are not simply religious insights or advice. They are legal pronouncements, and define the law of the land in an Islamic country. In his unrivaled role as Iran’s Supreme Leader and the highest-ranking cleric for Shi’a Muslims, the Ayatollah Khomeini’s fatawah guided the lives of more Shi’a Muslims than did any other Islamic leader throughout history.

It would have been damning to Islam if these inane, absurd, and depraved rantings had come from any Muslim, since they would serve as an example of how Islam corrupts a person’s mind. Beyond that however, anyone who takes the time to analyze Islam’s scriptures and what is recorded in Islam about Muhammad, the man whose life sets the standard to which Muslims are to strive, will see that the Ayatollah Khomeini was not off-base in his Islamic jurisprudence.

Damning souls and working with Satan never seems to bring out smiles. Sneers and leers, but not smiles.

This version of The Little Green Book, is a translation done by Harold Salemson, whose source was a French translation of the Ayatollah’s fatawah compiled by a Persian named Jean-Marie Xaviere. The book is broken up into two volumes. The first volume deals with governing issues, and is so chock full of amazing quotes, we had to give up on trying to highlight the best ones. The second volume focuses on lifestyle guidelines, and tends to be a bit mundane. However, some of the more astoundingly reprehensible whoppers are in this section. Additionally, the emphasis placed on defining even the most miniscule details for a Muslim to follow serve as a tremendous example of how Islam thrives on replacing every last iota of independent thought with mindless servitude. Of course, this should not come as a surprise to anyone, since the religion’s name literally means “Submission” (Islam), and its followers refer to themselves as “those who submit” (Muslims).

The Little Green Book is a quick read. In fact, it’s probably shorter than some of Craig Winn’s email responses. Additionally, much of it is so absurd, it’s quite entertaining. That is, until you realize that this isn’t a joke and you remember that billions of people are affected by these fatawah and thousands more like them from multitudes of other Islamic leaders.

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The Qur’an | القرآن‎


Prophet of Doom presents the Qur’an in chronological order and in the context of Muhammad’s life as it is known through Ishaq’s Sira (Biography) and Tabari’s Ta’rikh (History). There is no better way to understand Islam’s lone prophet, his god, their message, or their purpose–especially since the Qur’an itself is a jumbled and incoherent mess.

The translation presented in Prophet of Doom was a blend of the literal Noble Qur’an by Khan (the one found in most American mosques), and English translations by: Ahmed Ali, Pickthal, Yusuf Ali, and Shakir. Collectively, these represent the five most respected and universally accepted Muslim translations of Allah’s book.

To validate Craig’s scholarship in regard to his presentation of the Qur’an, you will need access to all five of these. While we encourage you to conduct your own investigation of the Islamic scriptures, you may be comforted to know that of the many thousands of emails we have received from angry Muslims claiming that Craig has misrepresented their religion, no one has found an inaccurate Qur’anic portrayal.

To compose the The POD Qur’an, we consolidated the references made to each Qur’anic Surah in the book and then placed them in numerical, rather than chronological order. Every reference was pulled directly from Prophet of Doom just as it was presented in the book, and thus most contain Craig Winn’s commentary as well as related Hadith.

While you will learn much more reading the Qur’an in chronological order–the order it was supposedly revealed and thus the order it is presented in POD–and with its surahs set within the context of Muhammad’s life, we understand that most people are accustomed to the Qur’an’s current order–jumbled, and devoid of circumstance, place, time, and chronological order as it may be.

The POD Qur’an can be set along side the five Muslim translations that served as its basis to demonstrate that Craig did not “cherry-pick” the most rotten verses from a Qur’anic tree filled with nurturing ones. The POD Qur’an also proves that Craig didn’t take Qur’an verses out of context or misrepresent them. The simple truth is that immorality, violence, and idiocy completely dominate the texts of the Islamic scriptures.

It is also important to note, that Muslims have recently published more politically correct versions of the Qur’an and of the Hadith. Although they cannot fix the author’s (Muhammad/Allah’s) complete lack of moral character and intelligence, the recent renditions have sought to remove many violent verses, rewriting them to suit modern sensibilities. Therefore, if you own a “politically correct” Qur’an or a sanitized Hadith collection, we ask that if you come across an instance where it appears we may have misrepresented Muhammad/Allah’s actual message, that you take the time to review all five of the most universally accepted and respected translations, and buy printed versions of the Hadith collections, before you criticize our scholarship. If you take the time to do this, what you will discover is that today’s Muslims are obediently following their prophet/god’s policy of lying to and deceiving Infidels so as to make us easier prey. Don’t let that happen to you.

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Prophet of Doom | محمد

Letter to the Reader Mohammed Mohammad Koran Quran

                      To Muslims May the Truth Set You Free               

Islam is a caustic blend of regurgitated paganism and twisted Bible stories. Muhammad, its lone prophet, conceived his religion solely to satiate his lust for power, sex, and money. He was a terrorist. And if you think these conclusions are shocking, wait until you see the evidence.

The critics of this work will claim that Prophet of Doom is offensive, racist, hatemongering, intolerant, and unnecessarily violent. I agree – but I didn’t write those parts. They came directly from Islam’s scriptures. If you don’t like what Muhammad and Allah said, don’t blame me. I’m just the messenger.

Others will say that I cherry-picked the worst of Islam to render an unfair verdict. They will charge that I took the Islamic scriptures out of context to smear Muhammad and Allah. But none of that is true. Over the course of these pages, I quote from almost every surah in the Qur’an – many are presented in their entirety. But more than that, I put each verse in the context of Muhammad’s life, quoting vociferously from the Sunnah as recorded by Bukhari, Muslim, Ishaq, and Tabari – Islam’s earliest and more trusted sources. I even arrange all of this material chronologically, from creation to terror.

Predicting what he called the “Day of Doom” was Muhammad’s most often repeated prophecy. While it did not occur as he foretold in 1110 A.D., it nonetheless came true. Muslims and infidels alike have been doomed by Islam.

To discover why, we shall dive into the oldest surviving written evidence. These official works include: the Sira, Ta’rikh, Hadith, and Qur’an. Ishaq’s Sira, or biography, called Sirat Rasul Allah, provides the lone account of Muhammad’s life and the formation of Islam written within 200 years of the prophet’s death. While the character, message, and deeds portrayed within its pages are the antithesis of Yahshua’s and his disciples, the Sira’s chronological presentation is similar in style to the Christian Gospels. The Ta’rikh is the oldest, most trusted and comprehensive history of Islam’s formation and Muhammad’s example, called Sunnah. It was written by Tabari. His History of al-Tabari is formatted like the Bible. It begins with Islamic creation and ends with the acts of Muhammad’s companions. Tabari is a compilation of Hadith quotes and Qur’an passages. As such, it provides the best skeleton upon which to flesh out the character of Muhammad and the nature of fundamental Islam. A Hadith is an oral report from Muhammad or his companions. Muslims believe that Hadith were inspired by Allah, making them scripture. The most revered Collection was compiled in a topical arrangement by Bukhari. Allah’s Book, the Qur’an, lacks context and chronology, so to understand it, readers are dependent upon the Sira, Ta’rikh, and Hadith.

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The Complete Guide to Future Events as Revealed in the Bible


Every Unfulfilled Prophecy Explored

This book has one simple goal: to analyze every yet-to-be fulfilled prophecy in the entire Bible–placing them in the order they’ll be fulfilled, more or less. This Future History is of critical importance to everyone alive today, for the culmination of all things is on our very doorstep–and I can prove it.

Although the goal is simple, the task was not. Exploring the Scripture’s description of coming events is like working a 10,000-piece jigsaw puzzle. Every piece must be put into its proper place if we want the overall picture to make any sense, and we can’t repaint the pieces or trim them to fit our own preconceived plan if we want to comprehend God’s picture. Yahweh told us about our future for two reasons. Prophecy demonstrates His deity, since only One who exists outside of time can know the future. And because He loves us He wants us to know what He has planned for us, both the good (if we trust His love) and the bad (if we reject it).

A great deal of the Bible was prophetic when it was written, whether overtly or between the lines–the sweeping symbols that define our destiny. Some has been literally fulfilled already, some has only partially come to pass, and some has not seen the light of day–yet. Future History is concerned with these latter categories–prophecy that has yet to be fulfilled. Previously completed Biblical prophecy is still important, however. It will guide us in determining what God meant to communicate when He told us about our future. And He told us a lot–the what, the who, where, why, and even the when of events that will change our world forever, not just “someday,” but within the natural lifespan of most everyone reading these words. It’s time to wake up, world!

Biblical prophecy needn’t be a mystery, and you don’t need to be a scholar–or a genius–to understand and appreciate what Yahweh is about to accomplish. All that’s required is a willingness to take God at His Word. The truth isn’t hidden, but the sheer volume of prophetic scripture can be daunting. And because we’re so close to the end, the many geopolitical and technological realities that shed light on the end of days are becoming easier to identify as well. That’s why Future History runs to almost 900 pages–you’re not going to zip through it in an afternoon. But your fortitude will be rewarded. Taken as a whole, God’s Word is crystal clear about what He has planned for our future. As Psalm 102:18 says, “This will be written for the last generation, that a people yet to be created may praise Yahweh.” That’s exciting: the psalmist was talking about us!

Ken Power

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The Owner’s Manual | What Every Christian Should Know About the Law of Moses

Tea with Terrorists

Tea with Terrorists

Who They Are and Why They Kill

The novel that exposes the real source of terror … not Osama Bin-Laden, not Al-Qaeda, not some radical fringe group of extremists, but Islam itself.
Book Cover
On September 11, America was forced to wake up and face a new enemy. With flags waving and righteous indignation burning in our hearts, we marched out to wage war on terror. There was only one problem: we had no idea who we were fighting, or why.

We still don’t.

Tea With Terrorists is a novel set three years in the future. Winn and Power have crafted a taut thriller, equal parts spine-tingling action and bone-jarring truth. Its message is haunting and controversial: the source of terror is Islam… not a radical fringe group, not some fanatical terrorist organization. Islam itself.

Winn and Power went to the source, daring to meet face to face with terrorists: al Qaeda, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad – an encounter faithfully recounted in the title chapter. They probed the murky waters of Islamic scripture and history. Rich with detail and buttressed with documentation both ancient and modern, Tea with Terrorists may be a work of fiction, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

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Laugh [it’s good for the soul]

Uploaded on Jul 13, 2010

The full length and official Rowan Atkinson Live DVD is now available on Youtube!

Whether mesmerising us with the sheer visual mastery of Mr. Bean, beguiling us with the acerbic wit of Edmund Blackadder, or simply entertaining us as the suave, but rather hapless British Secret Agent Johnny English, you surely won’t have escaped the comic genius that is Rowan Atkinson. In Rowan Atkinson Live, co-written with Richard Curtis (4 Weddings & a Funeral, Notting Hill, Love Actually) and Ben Elton, Atkinson runs the whole gamut of his remarkably versatile 30 year career, with sketches, mimes and monologue’s that are guaranteed to have you shedding tears of laughter. Performing live on stage alongside “straight man” Angus Deayton, the show features a number of original and familiar routines, including sketches that appeared in the original Mr. Bean series.

Think about it….

Breakthrough: Cops identify race of suspects

From WND

Police now describing mob violence perpetrators as ‘African American’

Colin Flaherty   |  1 September 2013
(Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.) Videos linked or embedded may contain foul language and violence.
Black mob violence is back in Minneapolis.

Some say it never stopped, and if you depend on the local newspaper for information, you might think it never started. But Minneapolis police recently issued a “crime alert” for the downtown area following a rash of mob robberies and assaults.

According to City Paper:

“What we’re seeing in this pattern is victims walking downtown by themselves on a sidewalk outside, and they’re approached by a group of three to five African American males,” MPD spokeswoman Cyndi Barrington told City Pages.
“The average age range of the [suspects] is late teens to early 20s. Victims are punched and pushed to the ground, and their phones and wallets are taken.”

It appears to be a change in policy for police to identify the members of the mobs by race. Last year, a slightly indignant spokesman for the police department told WND that race had nothing to do more than 20 episodes of black mob violence in downtown Minneapolis.

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