Taking Back America

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Category Archives: Health

Single-Payer Health Care

The Pitfalls of Single-Payer Health Care: Canada’s Cautionary Tale

By Candice Malcolm | April 13, 2017

In the Netflix series House of Cards, President Frank Underwood campaigned for the White House by telling Americans, “You are entitled to nothing.” The fictional president — a Democrat, no less — was forthright with American voters about the unaffordable and unsustainable structure of America’s entitlement programs, and he was rewarded at the polls. In real-life America, unfortunately, there is no such courageous honesty from the political class. Even many in the Republican party, once the stalwart force fighting against the growth of big government, are now resigned to contemplating a government takeover of the health-care industry in the wake of their failure to repeal and replace Obamacare. Charles Krauthammer, for example, woefully predicts that President Trump will opt for single-payer health care. F. H. Buckley, meanwhile, optimistically calls for Trump to look to the Canadian model of universal coverage.

There’s just one problem: The Canadian model of universal coverage is failing.

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Obama Plans Return to Politics – Wants to ‘Change the World’

‘Change’? Doesn’t he really mean ‘destroy’?

By Rusty | 15 Sep 2017

Former President Barack Obama will remain on the sidelines no longer.

Obama will host a global summit this fall in Chicago aimed at inspiring and empowering people to “change the world.”

Wait a minute … Didn’t his slogan involve the word ‘change’ and didn’t he have eight full years to accomplish said change?

During his farewell address, Obama even said ‘mission accomplished.’

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New Report: Obamacare Premiums Will Go Up AGAIN. 15 Percent Hike…


By Kacie Burnett | 14 Sep 2017

We all know how much Obamacare is majorly sucking right now. Heck, even Billiam and his wife know it (see Bill Clinton Doubles Down, Reminds Voters How Much ObamaCare Sucks). Especially since certain promisers failed to repeal the mess as promised. Stings a little extra. Well this new report from the Congressional Budget Office cements in that suckage.

Obamacare premiums are projected to be on the rise once again:

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Hillarycare would be even worse!

By Laura Hollis | 27 October 2016


There is plenty of bad news about Obamacare. Premiums are set to skyrocket next year an average of 22 percent (a staggering 116 percent in Arizona). Of the 23 state co-ops that were originally set to operate, 16 have gone bankrupt, and the remaining seven are in dire financial straits. A significant number of major insurance companies, including UnitedHealthcare, Humana and Aetna, have pulled out of most (if not all) of the exchanges on the grounds that the financial losses are unsustainable. (Across the country, insurers have lost billions since 2014.) This leaves an increasing number of consumers with only one or two options to choose from. Most have lost plans and been forced – sometimes multiple times – into other plans, losing physicians in the process.

And there are plenty of writers (Kevin Williamson at National Review, Avik Roy at Forbes, Betsy McCaughey, yours truly) who are saying “we told you so.”

It isn’t gloating. We warned you. We shouted it from the rooftops. You were told that we were lying, or corporate shills, or that we wanted old people and sick people to die. To the contrary, we saw what was coming and wanted to avoid it.

Yes, there were – and are – legitimate concerns about people without insurance. But the rallying cry of Obamacare – “We have to do something!” – is precisely the wrong impulse. It is that self-imposed desperation that makes you targets for exploitation by every self-important ideologue, every liar, every charlatan.

That is why President Obama was able to lie to you over and over again about keeping your doctor and your plan, and get away with it.

It’s why Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber could brag about “the stupidity of the American voter,” and adviser Ezekiel Emanuel could argue in favor of bureaucratic rationing of health care, and get away with it.

It’s why Congress could pass a 2,000-page bill that not one of the members had read in its entirely, and why then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could infamously say, “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it,” and get away with it.
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Health Law Tax Penalty? I’ll Take It, Millions Say

NY Times
By ROBERT PEAR | Oct 26, 2016

The architects of the Affordable Care Act thought they had a blunt instrument to force people — even young and healthy ones — to buy insurance through the law’s online marketplaces: a tax penalty for those who remain uninsured.

It has not worked all that well, and that is at least partly to blame for soaring premiums next year on some of the health law’s insurance exchanges.

The full weight of the penalty will not be felt until April, when those who have avoided buying insurance will face penalties of around $700 a person or more. But even then that might not be enough: For the young and healthy who are badly needed to make the exchanges work, it is sometimes cheaper to pay the Internal Revenue Service than an insurance company charging large premiums, with huge deductibles.

“In my experience, the penalty has not been large enough to motivate people to sign up for insurance,” said Christine Speidel, a tax lawyer at Vermont Legal Aid.

Some people do sign up, especially those with low incomes who receive the most generous subsidies, Ms. Speidel said. But others, she said, find that they cannot afford insurance, even with subsidies, so “they grudgingly take the penalty.”

The I.R.S. says that 8.1 million returns included penalty payments for people who went without insurance in 2014, the first year in which most people were required to have coverage. A preliminary report on the latest tax-filing season, tabulating data through April, said that 5.6 million returns included penalties averaging $442 a return for people uninsured in 2015.

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Admin Confirms: Barack Obama’s “Affordable” Care Act Spikes into Double Digits

Louder With Crowder
By Courtney Kirchoff | Tuesday October 25 2016
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

All lies. Because surprise, the ObamaCare disaster train rolls on. It’s coming for you, your family, your pet dog. It would’ve taken your goldfish had you not flushed it down the toilet. Lucky bastard took the easy way out.

Before taxpayer-provided subsidies, premiums for a midlevel benchmark plan will increase an average of 25 percent across the 39 states served by the federally run online market, according to a report from the Department of Health and Human Services. Some states will see much bigger jumps, others less.

A 25% rate increase. I bolded so you wouldn’t miss it. To lessen the sticker-shock come 2017. What were you going to do with that “disposable” income anyway? Car payment? Groceries? Your rent/mortgage? Wow, aren’t you spoiled. There are people across the world who live in huts, you know. Best you start prioritizing your “health” or pay the penalty. The penalty in this case is called the “shared responsibility tax.” The Obama Administration has a way with the words. They did christen this little number “affordable.”
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Insurance company won’t pay for woman’s chemo treatments

The Blaze
Oct. 19, 2016 3:59pm | By Mike Opelka

But physician-assisted suicide pills are approved


“Compassion and Choice DENIED,” a recently released documentary, demonstrates how California’s new law allowing terminally ill patients access to end-of-life drugs could be opening the door for insurance companies to deny treatment to patients with serious illnesses.

The 15-minute documentary produced by the Center for Bioethics and Culture tells the story of Stephanie Packer, a terminally ill mom who wants to stay alive as long as possible to be an example for her four young children.

According to Packer, her insurance company appears to prefer she give up the fight and chose assisted suicide instead.

Packer suffers from a form of Scleroderma complicated with pulmonary fibrosis. Normally, Scleroderma would not be a terminal condition. Unfortunately, Packer’s diffuse form of the disease has invaded her lungs, causing the pulmonary fibrosis.

Last summer, shortly after California’s assisted suicide law went into effect, Packer was told by her insurance company the chemotherapy drug prescribed by her doctor would not be covered.
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Seven Clinton Policy Priorities That Would Devastate America

FrontPage Mag
October 18, 2016 | John Perazzo

Staring at years 9 to 12 of the Obama administration.


If Hillary Clinton is elected president, she will seek to move the country in the same hard-left direction as Barack Obama. This article focuses on seven Clinton policy priorities that will have the most devastating impact on the American people.

1. Importing 65,000 Syrian “Refugees”

In order to address “the worst refugee crisis since the end of World War II,” Mrs. Clinton has explicitly called for bringing some 65,000 refugees from Syria into the United States as quickly as possible. This represents a 550% increase over Barack Obama’s 2016 goal of 10,000 Syrian refugees, which Clinton describes as merely a “good start.”

Clinton is committed to this reckless policy even though ISIS has vowed to infiltrate the flow of Syrian refugees with its own bloodthirsty operatives; even though more than 30,000 illegal immigrants from “countries of terrorist concern” entered the United States through America’s Southwestern border with Mexico in 2015 alone; and even though high-ranking officials like FBI Director James Comey, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, CIA Director John Brennan, and FBI Deputy Assistant Director Michael Steinbach have all made it clear that it is impossible to reliably screen out terrorists who could be posing as refugees.

2. Amnesty & Open Borders

Mrs. Clinton vows to “introduce comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to full and equal citizenship” within her first 100 days in office, and pledges to “go even further” than the two unconstitutional executive orders (DACA and DAPA) by which President Obama has already protected millions of illegal aliens from deportation. It is all part of the Democrats’ long-term master plan to transform the American electorate into a permanent Democrat voting bloc by importing massive numbers of people who can be counted upon to support the political party that offers them the largest number of welfare-state benefits. Clinton also supports what she terms “a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders.” And she smears those people who wish to enforce immigration law as “obstructionists” whose “backward-looking” mindset is “fundamentally un-American.”

3. Sanctuary Cities

Clinton unequivocally supports the “sanctuary” policies that bar police officers and other public-sector employees in some 340 U.S. cities from notifying the federal government about the presence of illegal aliens residing in their communities. Though sanctuary policies have turned hundreds of U.S. cities into very dangerous places, Clinton explains that without such arrangements, “people from the immigrant community … may not talk” to police who are trying to solve crimes there because “they think you’re also going to be enforcing the immigration laws.” As Xochitl Hinojosa, a Clinton presidential campaign director, puts it: “Hillary Clinton believes that sanctuary cities can help further public safety, and she has defended those policies going back years.”

4. Gutting the Second Amendment

Lamenting that “too many families in America have suffered — and continue to suffer — from gun violence,” Mrs. Clinton has stated that crime victims should be allowed to sue firearm manufacturers and retailers who lawfully produced or sold a gun that was used in a crime. Such a policy would inevitably cause the firearms industry to disappear, and thus would eliminate the Second Amendment virtually overnight.
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Hillary “What Difference Does It Make” Clinton















Bruce Plante Cartoon: Hillary's pant suit, Secretary Hillary Clinton, email scandal, Presumptive Democratic Presidential Nominee 2016, Presidential Campaign 2016, Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI, FBI Director James Comey, Plante 20160707











