Taking Back America

…one post at a time

The Mistake of Pandering to Antifa and Black Lives Matter

By Lloyd Marcus | 16 Sep 2017

I cringed when I heard fellow black conservatives whom I respect on TV saying that while they condemn the violent behavior of Antifa/Black Lives Matter some of their grievances against America are warranted. I wanted to scream at my TV, “Hogwash!”

These conservative blacks on TV are merely trying to create peace and civility by agreeing with some of the bogus accusations of racism dreamed up by Leftist intellectuals. They are also trying to prove they are not Uncle Toms. I think it is a huge mistake to pander to lies about America; acting as though very little has changed racially since the 1950s.

As a black person, I know the Black Code. It is the same as what Michael Corleone said to his brother Fredo, “Don’t ever take sides against the family. Ever!” Many blacks and Leftists believe to qualify as an authentic black American, one must harbor a deep-seated resentment against white America.

Watching black conservatives on TV saying Antifa/Black Lives Matter have some legit grievances regarding white privilege, I found myself scratching my head. For the life of me, I have no idea what millennial blacks who have never suffered a moment of “real” racism in their lives are so enraged about; whining, complaining, and destroying property.

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