Taking Back America

…one post at a time

Finally! Justice Dept. Sides With Colorado Baker Sued by Gay Couple

By Kacie Burnett | 7 Sep 2017

Gays have a burning obsession with baked goods. Their cake fetish has led to many tales of bakers targeted by LGBTers who demand a cake to celebrate their gayness (see Gaystapo Logic: You Will Bake Our Cakes… Or We’ll Call You “Gay”!). You may recall this man-loving couple who got their tighty whities in a twist over a baker who refused to make them a wedding cake. He was ordered to “bake gay wedding cakes or none at all.” Since then, it’s been a flurry of legal nonsense. Apparently the case is going to the Supreme Court now. All because of the fateful pastry that never was.

Well, one good thing did happen. Courtesy of the Justice Dept.:

In a major upcoming Supreme Court case that weights equal rights with religious liberty, the Trump administration on Thursday sided with a Colorado baker who refused to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple.

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