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Bacha Bazi: The Horrific Practice of Selling Boys to Islamic Men for Sex [VIDEOS]

From Freedom Outpost
By Bethany Blankley | May 21, 2016

Thousands of prepubescent and adolescent boys are sold to wealthy and powerful Islamic men for entertainment and sexual abuse. The most desirable age for dancing boys is 13 or 14 years-old, which means in order to groom them, they must be kidnapped, rented, or bought at a younger age.

bachi bazi

In addition to permitting sexual acts with little girls, Islam also allows adult men to perform sexual acts with boys, a practice known as “Bacha Bāzī.”

Bacha bāzī is the transliteration of a Persian phrase (بچه بازی‎‎,), which literally means “boy play.” It’s derived from two Persian words, (بچه) “bacha” meaning “child,” and (بازی) “bāzī” meaning “game.” The Bacha Baz, “pedophile” in Persian, is the perpetrator.  A “bacha bereesh” is a boy without a beard.

Part of Bacha bāzī mostly involves using small boys for child pornography, sexual slavery, and prostitution. Thousands of prepubescent and adolescent boys are sold to wealthy and powerful Islamic men for entertainment and sexual abuse. The most desirable age for dancing boys is 13 or 14 years-old, which means in order to groom them, they must be kidnapped, rented, or bought at a younger age. Boys targeted for sex-trafficking are often found on playgrounds in the poorest neighborhoods. They are stolen, rented, or bought, then groomed, and forced into a life of slavery.

Bacha bāzī is widely practiced throughout Afghanistan, especially after powerful and well-armed warlords like the Northern Alliance commanders used force and coercion to institutionalize this abuse in the 1990’s. Despite the practice of dancing boys being illegal, and punishable by death, most Afghani officials are complicit in the abuse and don’t enforce the law.

Most claim “dancing boys” is solely an Afghani practice. But it’s not: Bacha bāzī is pervasive throughout the Islamic world. The sex-trafficked boys may be referred to in other countries by another term, such as “rent boys.”

The first video is a clip from the documentary, The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan, produced by Afghan journalist Najibullah Quraishi. It first aired in 2010 and won the Amnesty International UK Media Awards in 2011.

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