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Tag Archives: Cheryl Mills

HILLARY CLINTON | Lies, Corruption, Scandals

How has Hillary Clinton lied to us? Let me count the ways
By J. Peder Zane
A letter published in response to my last column “Hate Clinton and Trump? Look in the mirror” asked for “some evidence, or at least an explanation of … Hillary’s character flaws in the early 1990s.”
Of course.
Let’s start in 1998, when Hillary attributed the Lewinsky affair and other Clinton scandals to a “vast right-wing conspiracy.”
In fact, her husband had been having an affair with the 22-year-old White House intern whom Hillary had called a “narcissistic loony toon.”
Indeed, the presidential candidate who brags that she has spent her lifetime fighting for equality cut her political teeth destroying the powerless young women (“bimbo eruptions” in Clintonspeak) who claimed that Bill had slept with or forced himself upon them.
They included Juanita Broaddrick, Connie Hamzy, Kathleen Willey and Gennifer Flowers, whom the Clintons memorably called a liar in a “60 Minutes” interview that saved his 1992 campaign. Don’t forget Paula Jones, to whom Bill ultimately paid $850,000 to drop her sexual harassment lawsuit.
When Hillary declares that “every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed and supported,” she means only those who do not threaten her power.
The Six Clinton Foundation Scandals Everyone Needs to Know
By Ashe Schow | 08/29/16 5:10pm
The media will try to memory-hole this latest Clinton Foundation scandal, but it can’t be forgotten. Nor can these other Foundation scandals. This is probably not a comprehensive list, but here are the most egregious.
1. Selling access to the U.S. State Department
I already briefly mentioned this scandal, as it is the most recent. Of the 154 people who met with or had conference calls scheduled with Hillary, at least 85 donated to the Clinton Foundation, according to an Associated Press analysis. The 85 donors gave a combined total of $156 million to the Clinton Foundation, and at least 40 gave more than $100,000 each. At least 20 gave more than $1 million.
How could anyone possibly believe these donations didn’t help get a meeting with Clinton? Turns out only Clinton’s staunchest supporters are defending her on this. The LA Times’ Thursday editorial called for Clinton to leave the foundation. The New York Daily News’ Gersh Kuntzman said this scandal was “impossible” to defend.
2. Sketchy foreign donations from abusive nations
Clinton purports to be a defender of women and has talked about running coal miners out of business (an extension of the Left’s hatred for “Big Oil”), yet her foundation has taken money from countries that commit human rights abuses against women and make their money from selling oil.
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